Hello Bosa.
Lets begin our review by analysing the mood and atmosphere the song sets.
I do not see your description, but I do not see hope either as said in another review. I see bitter despair, I see a man weeping his shoulders hunched over, looking at a map, many many red wooden blocks, surrounding sparse blue ones.
He was not losing his land Bosa, he was losing his home, he is losing his future, his legacy, his spirit, and everything he ever looked at and thought "How wonderful". He loses all of this, and though his rage burns brighter then any fire, the blaze is tiny when compared to the demons that strike at his home.
That is the story I get, the mood of course being a hopeless, bitter fight. Not a fight he was about to just throw away, but not a fight he could win either.
The atmosphere being a deep, cruel, heartless surrounding.
I suppose, I did see your description...
Anyways, lets talk a bit about instruments shall we?
Now, those spic strings, they were very very impressive Bosa. I had never thought of using those spic strings like that, tell me, did you use two seperate channels one panned to the left, and the other to the right, or did you use one, and then pan them accordingly? I have to tell you, I am generally very against panning sounds, as I think, or well, thought, that they were quite distracting, and took away from the song, but not in this case at all. Either way, it was quite clever. I hope you don't mind me stealing the idea ;).
You know, in every song I hear, I am always thinking, Bells would sound good, choirs would sound good, and flutes would be good. But in this song, I honestly don't think you need bells or choirs. I think the two would actually DIMINISH the songs power. Print out that sentence and frame it Bosa, I very very rarely say that, in fact this would be my first.
The melody those spics play are in my mind, actually the very foundation for the song, not support, I think of them as pure foundation. They set the atmosphere so damn succesfully, and then you layer those others instruments.
The only ONLY instrument I can think of adding, French Horn, and to a much lesser extent, flute. Now I know you're thinking "But SoulStrings, you lying sack of CRAP, you saided in your sentence those three instruments don't work! >:(" well, I said Bells and Choir, I still think a flute would have been quite neat. I of course do not really think they would be an essential or even all that helpful, but I wonder still, what the song would have been like with them.
The French Horns on the other side, I think if you made them play a melody like you have your cello's playing, I think that would have added an intense flavour.
Other then that, I loved it. Do pm me, or email me when you have a new song out, this was quite enjoyable. Great stuff, keep your chin up, the fighting spirit strong, and keep them coming!
Goodbye Bosa.